Honnete Mercantiles Investment Group Ltd


Who We Are

The Honnete Mercantiles Capital Group (HMCG) is an investment group that was founded by wealthy and influential individuals in Year 11 with the aim of investing in opportunities throughout the galaxy that produce both benefits to the citizens of the galaxy and a profitable return for its members.

What We Do

Harnessing an entrepreneurial spirit, we have intelligently invested in corporations, governments, planets, and other business ventures throughout the galaxy. With a total investment portfolio valued at over of 15 billion credits, HMCG provides more than just credits for ventures and programs that it chooses to invest in; we offer a centre of excellence for business management by providing:
  • Leadership: through the involvement and allocation of at least one of HMCG’s Directors to each venture, we seek to provide strategic direction and advice to the people who are managing the day to day operations and planning of the programs we have invested in.
  • Mentors: by mentoring we recognise that we are not just investing in the financial aspects of ventures, but also in the capability and knowledge of the people that make those programs a profitable reality.
  • Political Support: we work to strengthen a venture’s ability to succeed in a stable and ethical way by making appropriate introductions and establishing relationships with influential stakeholders who are in the right positions to support the venture’s outcomes.
  • Materiel Support: with access to a huge range of infrastructure and assets, HMCG can provide materiel support to ventures where there is a great idea but there are issues such as insufficient personnel, ships, and access to raw materials.
© HMCG 2016